wives and moms
A Word of Hope to the Weary Mom
Dear Weary Mom,
First, let me comfort you in sharing that you are not alone. I have been where you are so many, many times as have countless others before you.Continue Reading »
What Your Wife Needs From You to Parent Well
In “Parenting Flows From Your Marriage” we shared that we’ve been collecting a sort of mental notebook around ways marriages can be self strengthening and in turn be able to deliver more effective parenting.
Today, we’re sharing our thoughts on the needs of a wife. Continue Reading »
Parenting Flows From Your Marriage
We believe many factors contribute to successful, biblical parenting. Of all those factors, perhaps, second only to the spiritual health and maturity of each parent, is the health and maturity of your marriage. Continue Reading »
What are the Fundamentals Needs for Parents Today? Part 3: Purposeful Vision
Much is made these days about getting things done under the banner of personal productivity. Bookstore shelves are filled with self-help titles on the topic. Common among those writings are encouragements to identify objectives and set clear, specific goals.Continue Reading »