Discipleship: Part 3
Discipleship as it relates to stages of development
The Logic Stage
In our previous posts we discussed what discipleship is, and what it looks like in the early pre-school and elementary years.
Today, we are going to take a deeper look at discipleship in the tween years or the Logic Stage of discipleship (5th - 9th grades). We’ll discuss practical, effective ways you can help disciple your child in this stage. Continue Reading »
Sow to Their Flesh, but Reap the Spirit?
Over the years we've interacted with many Christian parents. They have been at all levels of spiritual maturity - some very young in their faith to the seasoned and deeply mature.
One thing, however, is pretty universal - and that is what they desire for their children.
So, Christian parent, let me ask you...
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What are the Fundamentals Needs for Parents Today? Part 5: Guidance and Support
June 08, 2016 12:07 AM
Filed in: Parent Heart Issues
Filed in: Parent Heart Issues
2 Peter 1:2-4 tells us that by His divine power, God has given his people all things necessary for life and godliness. What a tremendously comforting thought!
And what are those ‘things’? Continue Reading »
What are the Fundamentals Needs for Parents Today? Part 1: Reassurance
The rising tide of worldliness is swamping even the church, it seems. Frightening statistics tell a story of young adults from Christian homes entering college or the workforce then soon abandoning their parents’ values and turning their backs on their parents’ faith.
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