Discipleship: Part 1
October 15, 2016 12:57 AM
Filed in: Building Character/Discipleship
Filed in: Building Character/Discipleship
Discipleship as it relates to stages of development
Rich and faithful discipleship should be the hallmark of every Christian home. For most parents it is something that is a genuine desire but often elusive and never fully integrated into family life.Continue Reading »
Sow to Their Flesh, but Reap the Spirit?
Over the years we've interacted with many Christian parents. They have been at all levels of spiritual maturity - some very young in their faith to the seasoned and deeply mature.
One thing, however, is pretty universal - and that is what they desire for their children.
So, Christian parent, let me ask you...
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A Word of Hope to the Weary Mom
Dear Weary Mom,
First, let me comfort you in sharing that you are not alone. I have been where you are so many, many times as have countless others before you.Continue Reading »
Ah, Don't Worry - It's Urgent!
July 20, 2016 12:37 AM
Filed in: Parent Heart Issues
Filed in: Parent Heart Issues
Sometimes when I deeply ponder the gravity of parenting and truly consider the stakes, a certain deep-seated uneasiness (perhaps approaching panic) slips over me. It isn't thinking about parenting in general that does this, it is thinking about the parenting of a specific child who seems to have drifted off course without my having noticed it sooner.
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